Jessica Mihály

D.O.B.: October 26, 1976

This will be my 20th year with the dance group. Besides Sue, I have been in the dance group the longest(sigh)

My first Festival was Edmonton I think it was either in 86 or 87 I can't remember.

Dennis Turner and myself moved to Hungary for 6 months in 1997 to dance with the Körös Tánccsoport in Gyula, Hungary. Under the direction of Gyalog László. It was one of the best dance experiences of my life. I made numerous long life friends.

I injured my knee in December 2001 and had to stop dancing for over year and had it corrected in August of 2002. I finally officially came back March 2003. I still can't bend my knee fully, but it's okay.

I met a wonderful adoring man in the group in Feb 1999 and we have been together ever since.(Joe)

I am studying to become a Wholistic Practitioner and Massage Therapist. So if anyone needs any services at festival(pertaining to injuries or sicknesses) I can help them out.

My favorite dances are Mezőségi, Marossápataki, Méhkeréki, Makes me go mmm...

Favorite memory in the 20 years of dancing with this group...Dancing with Dennis, Peter, and Tunde doing our first Mehkereki coreography at some festival. I always block out the audience, but this time was the first time I ever really heard them. It was the most amazing sound. I am not sure about Peter(but maybe) we all started these enormous smiles on our faces and started to tear a little. WE new the dance was good, but were unsure how only 2 couples would look. It was fabulous, one of my best performances and greasest memory dancing.

Now if you ask my fondest party memory. One would be the cabin party at Sue's where the first night was just me Tunde and Angela and we made that Blair Witch movie, got totally blitzed(it showed with every new scene on the camerea). But in San Fransisco was cool too. When the bands at the camp decided to play outside - drinking songs, Kalotaszegi, etc. It brought back a little peice of Hungary(of how it is there). That was a good memory.
